No big problems, ate a lot of fresh Tuna, but hapy to sleep in my own bed to night..
Later more, Cheers
NB Upwind (with a lot of wind) on autopilot, so we eat with hands and drink from bottle because otherwise impossible and food and drinks and utensils would fly through the boat..
Visitor.. big bird totaly not afraid of us and knows what he wants.. cake..
Tuna, baked potatoes and white wine..
Dolphin or Mai Mai
We broke the (only) halyard (grootzeilval) half way, inspection of top of mast thisway to see if and how we solve the problem.. we got one in again and could continue..
Tuna, like biefstuk, erg lekker..
We were lucky we had pictures taken at inspection before trip, so we could see at sea what possibilities were..