The Rutland wind generator is replaced by the carbon winged Silent Wind one.. Still a littlebit worried about the silent part, but we will see.. Batteries are well powered now ofcourse.
Aft cabin is getting better and better, windows in transom can be opened now.. ventilation AND sound of outside.. I like it a lot.
Condor is hauled out next Wednesday, I intend to fly next thursday to Toronto and when I get back it's time to do the underwater part.
Put some filler here and there,
Maybe remove the 3 zinc anodes on hull, they have not been used since dec 2008...
Same for the 2 anodes on rudder
Plenty of easy improvement to be made on Vin keel and rudder with filler..
Take propshaft out and replace cuttless bearing
Replace anodes on propshaft..
Put antifouling on, not red but black this time..
So back in water first week of october again..
Sibren had some Sothern Comfort during the day, fell in water on way to happy hour and does not remember everything anymore..
Apparently he invited really everyone to Zanzibar satureday for his Toedeloe party ...
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